
Is it time for your parent or grandparent to go to a nursing home? Learn more about managing the transition to a nursing home.


Quick & Easy Home Adaptations for Elderly People

3 January 2018
, Blog

As people get older, some everyday activities that they have always taken for granted can begin to pose serious difficulties, and living alone can become somewhat of a struggle. Whether it is for yourself or an elderly relative, consider the following ways to adapt and modify any household to facilitate safer and more independent living at home. Grab Rails Bathrooms can be one of the most dangerous places in any household, with baths, showers and wet floors creating the potential for serious slips and falls.
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Which retirement village contract is best for you?

16 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

A retirement village is basically a managed neighborhood for seniors, even though you do not essentially have to be a retiree. Living in a retirement village allows seniors to downsize and enter a new residence that's better suited to their elderly lifestyle as well as financial circumstances. Generally, there are three types of occupancy or ownership contracts, namely strata title, leasehold and rental agreement, that are common with retirement villages in Australia.
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Daily respite care for elderly patients

17 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

For families that have an elderly relative living with them, it can be important to have the option of respite care to help them manage the stresses and load of overall care. Here are indications that your elderly relative may need to spend some time at an aged care facility in respite care when you are not at home for an extended period.  Severe confusion A common symptom of ageing is confusion, which can occur as part of many conditions including dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
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Nursing Services: The Benefits of Palliative Care

3 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Many patients suffering from life-threatening illnesses often make the mistake of withdrawing from their normal routines because they are overwhelmed by the thought of having a limited amount of time to live. But no one deserves to die all alone and distressed, especially when something can be done to make them live a fulfilling life during the time they have remaining in this world. That is the essence of palliative care.
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About Me
Transitioning to a nursing home

It's time for my dad to go into a nursing home, and I want to find a place that is close enough that we can still visit him regularly. My kids are used to seeing him all the time, and I really value the closeness of the relationship he has with all of his grandkids. The nursing home we found is only one suburb away and is actually on the bus route that the kids catch home from high school, so they'll be able to visit him whenever they want. This blog is all about managing the transition to a nursing home.
