How to Grow Old Gracefully

Is it time for your parent or grandparent to go to a nursing home? Learn more about managing the transition to a nursing home.

How to Grow Old Gracefully

How to Grow Old Gracefully

6 February 2019
, Blog

Whilst people's circumstances may change as they get older, the one thing that is likely to remain most constant is their desire to keep their independence. Whilst there are circumstances where this is not possible, on the whole most planning for retirement living will want to start on the premise that the person will retain their independence and personal freedom as much as possible.

Retirement Living

Whilst the fact that most people are living longer and healthier lives is obviously to be welcomed, it can raise a number of new challenges for the individuals concerned and their families. These challenges tend to centre around the need to balance independent living with the need for varying levels of care as people grow older.

Nursing Homes

The traditional view of nursing homes and assisted living projects can sometimes seem a bit institutional, which isn't really true. Nursing homes by their very nature are most likely to be lived in by people who need help with some of their personal care or who are unable to look after themselves. Nursing homes should be able to provide different levels of care, depending upon the needs of the individual, and they should have a staff skill mix that reflects their ability to do this.

Even within the context of a nursing home, this does not mean that people's independence should be compromised. In fact, most good nursing homes will make a point of helping to nurture and promote people's independence in whatever way possible. The sense of someone feeling they are in control of their own life is of huge importance at any age, especially as they grow older.

Assisted Living Projects

The idea of an assisted living project is normally seen as different from that of a nursing home, in that the person is deemed to be independent, but may now or in the future require some degree of assistance with their daily living.

This assistance can be either practical (i.e., shopping, cleaning etc.) or be of a more delicate nature, such as personal care. This assistance may be short-term or long-term, and it may be paid or voluntary.

Retirement Villages

There has been a huge growth in the number and type of retirement villages in Australia in the last few years. They seem to offer an ideal solution to many of the above issues, and whilst anyone entering a retirement village must be clear about certain financial implications, the benefits can potentially be enormous.

A retirement village tends to work on the principle that it is first and foremost a community of individuals who live together, designed to promote their independence, but at the same time provide differing levels of care where it is needed.

Retirement villages can also act as a bridge for people who don't want to live on their own any more but are not yet ready to enter a nursing home, although they know that at some point in the future that might change.

The majority of people will live in retirement villages cherish their independence, knowing that the option of a nursing home is still available if they need one.

Over-55 Living

Many retirement villages and assisted living projects have a criteria that people must be 55 or over in order to live there. Whilst this is not officially a retirement age, for many people it is a good baseline for them to consider their future.

Making the transition from complete independence to some type of assisted living with the possibility of specialist nursing care if needed is a type of planning that is designed to give people the utmost sense of security, coupled with retaining a real sense of control over their life.

About Me
Transitioning to a nursing home

It's time for my dad to go into a nursing home, and I want to find a place that is close enough that we can still visit him regularly. My kids are used to seeing him all the time, and I really value the closeness of the relationship he has with all of his grandkids. The nursing home we found is only one suburb away and is actually on the bus route that the kids catch home from high school, so they'll be able to visit him whenever they want. This blog is all about managing the transition to a nursing home.
